Monthly Archives: March 2012

Jyger’s Rant – April Trailer

Just a short trailer for my plans for April…kinda.

I’ve been planning to do a review a review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie for a while now, and even though the future after that for my blog and videos is up in the air, I WILL do this review if nothing else. Also, try to see if you can catch every one of the little messages in the video. And yes, the text for most of the video is straight from Kingdom Hearts. Been chomping at the bit to use this font for a while now.

I’ve Come To A Decision…Kinda + Fortune Street First Impressions

Okay, so I’ve thought about it, and I honestly still don’t know if I want to continue Jyger’s Rant, BUT I have decided that since I DID kinda advertise my intent to do so, I WILL be doing my review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie for the anniversary of my blog. Will my blog continue beyond that? Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. But for now, expect my review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie to be released on April 11th, and maybe a few random rants between now and then.

Oh, one other thing. Recently I purchased a game very closely related to one reviewed on YCPT by JewWario, Fortune Street. It’s not bad at all, though I get the feeling it was most certainly made to be a party game. That kinda blows, though, since it seems like if I’m gonna give a good impression on it to people that might be interested, I’m gonna need one or two more people……..Hmm…

What’s Happening With Me

Okay, so I guess I got a few people concerned about what’s going on with me and why I posted what I did. Am I going back on that decision? I honestly don’t know. Still, I think I should probably elaborate more on what’s been going on with me.

I got so frustrated with the quality of the show, and how I couldn’t improve at all. I tried integrating a storyline into my show, it didn’t take off well. I bought a new digital camcorder for less than 30 bucks, turned out to be a piece of crap. I got new microphones, they chose not to work…Well okay, I got one to work, after a few hours of fiddling with it. And all the while, I kept looking to what the view count was like.

Linkara says to not let the viewcount bother me, my friends, my family, even my gir-…Even Christy, who said she found my stuff kinda boring and uninteresting, told me that I should continue if I honestly still enjoyed making them. The only problem being, I don’t know that that’s enough, and I wanna explain where I’m coming from with that.

When I was, I dunno, 14 or so, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. This meant I was, by technicality, autistic. After a while, I got so frustrated with school that I quit in my second year of Grade 11, meaning I do not have my high school diploma. Oh, I eventually went after my GED, but when an employer has to make a call between a high school graduate and someone with a GED, who do you think he’s gonna hire?

So for 7 years now I’ve been working as a client in a job training facility for people with special needs (the name of which shall remain anonymous due to how much I’ve ranted about stuff that’s happened there). Now that’s not so bad, there’s actually been people working there for MUCH longer. It’s just that that’s not what I want for myself, and I get the feeling that if nothing changes, that’s what’ll happen. And as long as I’m there, I’m being paid a VERY pitiful amount, thus resulting in my living with my parents at age 26 (going on 27 in June) when what I want is to move into a place for me and for Christy…possibly with an overhead apartment where N. Harmonik could grow old. LOL

So that’s when I noticed how I seemed to be pretty good at blogs and felt that I could make the transition to videos, thus creating…

Yeah, that. And it was wonderous to be doing that on YouTube, but what I REALLY wanted was to build up a fan-base so I could then move to Blip and make a living off my show that I honestly enjoyed doing…However, despite encouragement from JewWario today, I felt a GREAT hesitation, even the desire to say screw it all due to all my frustrations coming together, like a Megazord of negativity…Ooh, or a “Negazord”.

Finally, after Christy said what she said, which I asked her to do by the way. I don’t want anyone holding negative feelings for her because of that, because I asked her to tell me how she really felt about it, but when she did, I’ve gone from being so angry that I’ve wanted to delete every last thing related to my blog, to crying for what felt like hours because it was over, to being frustrated because I know how little people think of me and yet my Mom and Morgan Meryl and Lewis keep telling me to do what I want…and I just don’t know what to do right now.

I will say this much though: If I do plan to continue, then I have a huge project in store for the anniversary of this blog, which is April 11th. I am going to do a review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. Now, I know Linkara already did this movie, but the more I thought it over, the more I realised that every little frigging detail about that movie needs to be touched on for just how STUPID it is. I could spend the entire MONTH talking about how fugging dumb it is.

Seriously, who let the little kid drive??? O_O

So yeah, I know I say this a lot, but I really and truly mean it this time: If you read this all the way through, PLEASE COMMENT. No really, PLEASE COMMENT. I want to know what you think of all of this, if I should continue on with my plans, WHATEVER.

Jyger’s Rant = R.I.P.

I’m done making those stupid videos. It was a mistake to even try. I have low-grade tech, I can’t afford to get better tech, and my view counts are absolutely pitiful.

I’m done trying to entertain. Clearly no one cares what some Linkara wannabe with Asperger’s thinks about geek stuff or what happens in his work place. The only time I was ever relevant was when I was being flamed for coming to Lewis’ defence.

And now…now even my own girlfriend has told me that my videos weren’t good and that my blog is dull and boring. Heck, she’s actually got a following on deviantArt now, though I will say that I actually have my fair share of views for my TGWTG posters…

So this is pretty much it. I guess I just wasn’t meant to amount to anything in this world where I felt I belonged. I’ll still be doing those posters though, and maybe from time to time I’ll share some thoughts on the blog, but overall, Jyger’s Rant is pretty much dead. To anyone that actually cared about my work, I thank you for sticking with me, and I hope that you’ll find entertainment elsewhere.

In the meantime though, there is one last thing I can do that I do rather well: Cheap plugs. For anyone that watched my show and found enjoyment in it, I personally recommend SF Debris’ Opinionated Video Reviews, they are simply fabulous. Also, Confused Matthew, the Nostalgia Critic, MarzGurl, JesuOtaku, JewWario, and of course, Linkara of Atop The Fourth Wall and History of Power Rangers and Iron Liz of the Pen & Paper Corner. They are highly entertaining and far better at their jobs than I…

… … …Goodbye.

Jyger Watches Cupcakes + Anniversary Vid For PinkRangerWannabe

Okay, a couple of videos I’ve neglected to post here. The first is a video that…well, how do I put this? Basically, if you thought that no video I could ever watch could possibly get a bigger reaction out of me than the infamous “Azurill Grows A WHAT?!?!” or “Ghirahim is Just CREEPY!” moments, watch what happens when I was told to watch a video that represents the darkest side of the Friendship Is Magic fandom, “Cupcakes”.

The next is a much more loving video for a wonderful occasion: It’s the video I made for PinkRangerWannabe on our anniversary this past weekend.

Oh, music in these vids are Combine Harvester by The Wurzels and Suteki da ne by Rikki, and to those wondering, Suteki da ne is our song…now if only it was attached to a better game than Final Fantasy X…

Forever – Real Life Funnier Than Fiction

…You ever notice that real life can be far funnier than fiction? For like over a YEAR now I have been trying to figure out what it is about the song Forever by Chris Brown that nags at something in the back of my head, something nostalgic. Now matter what I did, I couldn’t get the thought loose. And that’s when it finally hit me: Doublemint gum. The lyric “Double your pleasure, double your fun” sounds ridiculously like “Double the flavour, double the fun”.

Once I realised this,  I immediately began to suspect that the song actually ripped it off. But nope, not the case here. In fact it turns out that the song was actually written with the intent to be used as the new Doublemint jingle in a commercial. Apparently the deal that Wrigley, the company behind Doublement, had made with Brown was terminated after the Brown/Rihanna incident, and because I wanna keep a MUCH more heated debate off this site, that’s all I wanna say about that.

So yeah, all that time it really was a gum commercial jingle. And because I didn’t feel any inclination to check out sources regarding that, that is why I am just NOW finding out this…well, VERY stupid story. Again, real life: It’s far funnier than fiction.

Jyger’s Rant – The Day of Sagittarius

My first review of an episode of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, all the while I’m observed by a strange girl…

By the way, I am VERY sorry about the sound in this. I have GOT to get better movie making hardware/software.

Intro theme as always is Roar by Treat, and video and audio clips are from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Angel, Yu-Gi-Oh, Perfect Strangers, Star Trek, WWE, and The Muppet Show.

And a special thanks to nharmonik for appearing in my show and putting up with my crap. lol

Vlog – A Tribute To Iron Liz (2 Minutes 2 Midnight)

A short tribute vid (plus me acting like an idiot whilst rocking out to Iron Maiden) that I made yesterday on YouTube for Iron Liz’s birthday’s today.

Music is “2 Minutes 2 Midnight” by Iron Maiden.

Happy birthday, Liz! 🙂

Jyger’s Rant – Q&A

My Q&A vid is finally here! I’ll admit that not all the questions were asked online, but I still managed to get a decent enough amount to do this. Also, hints and clues regarding future plans and an upcoming character. Enjoy!

Iron Liz’s Birthday Coming Up Soon

So I was chatting with Christy earlier, and apparently one of our favourite Internet Reviewers is celebrating a birthday very soon: None other than Elizabeth Skochil, AKA Iron Liz of the Pen & Paper Corner. In fact, it’s this Tuesday. As a result, the two of us decided to scramble to try to get all her fans across the internet to come together under her fan group on Facebook and come up with an idea of something we could do for her as a group. So please, if you like Iron Liz’s work, if you’re a fan of hers, stop on by, we’ll come up with something together.

Also, if you’ve never heard of Iron Liz and are interested in Tabletop RPGs, check out her show here…