So…It’s Been A While

…So it’s been a little while since I’ve been back. I can tell because my notifications are MASSIVE in number. lol First of all, I wanna thank everyone for their support, and their care. I also want to apologize for being gone for so long. I know of at least a couple of people who were concerned for my well-being, and I’m sorry about that. I never wanted to worry anyone.

With that said, let’s talk about where I’ve been. Basically, I had a tooth that had some decay under one of the fillings I had put in a while back. It was so bad, I was getting pains even while being pretty effectively medicated. The cold air itself was enough to cause me intense pain, meaning I was pretty much unable to leave my apartment. I had to have the tooth removed, which only just happened a couple of days ago. I’m actually recovering quite well now…at least I was, until I somehow managed to bite that side of my mouth in my sleep…because of course I did. Bet’cha all thought I was kidding when I would talk about how accident prone I was, huh? lol The good news is, when they removed my tooth, they gave me some kickass painkillers. They seem to be helping a lot.

Beyond that, though…recently, I had a bad falling out with a dear friend of mine. I don’t wanna go into it too much, but let’s say that it hasn’t made this past month any easier. That’s really all I want to say on the matter, and I would appreciate it if no one asked any further.

In the meantime, while recovering, I treated myself a bit and got Steam. I’ve recently also learned that Windows 10 comes complete with a means of recording video game footage as I play. So, while I’m hesitant to put anything on YouTube because of certain…*ahem*, broken and exploitable functions on there, I WILL be posting video game footage on Facebook and Dailymotion. I WOULD do so on Vidme, but, wouldn’t you know it, they shut down. In fact, I’ve already begun going through the tutorial mode in Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist, for the sake of those who would like to play Yu-Gi-Oh! but don’t know how, and have begun plans to start my own wrestling e-fed via Fire Pro Wrestling World. All three parts of the first episode will be posted on the 20th, and will have links shared on here.

I’ve also found a website that more or less works similarly to Photoshop in a few ways. It’s allowed me to make some…improved work. I might be posting some of what I’ve made while experimenting with it on Deviant Art soon, so keep an eye out for it. As for my writing…I don’t know. I think that, for now, I’d like to focus on getting Starslip looked over and critiqued before moving forward, though I do have a fair bit of Green Defender written. When it’ll be finished, I don’t know. Please just bear with me.

Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. Thanks again for all of your support and care. Ja né!

About Jyger85

Huge fan of wrestling, Kamen Rider, Power Rangers/Super Sentai, and video games. But I WILL talk smack when one of them tick me off. lol

Posted on January 10, 2018, in Miscellaneous and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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