Monthly Archives: September 2015

The All-New All-Different Marvel Adventure with a Secret War in the Middle

Yeah, not exactly the best planning possible with how this is happening. lol Oh well, could be worse.

Welcome to the World of Wesley Messer a.k.a The Geek Who Landed

Next week my friends, next week All-New All-Different (ANAD) Marvel begins and yes Secret Wars is still happening. Everyone and that person in the corner has made a Secret Wars joke with ANAD Marvel at this point so insert your own joke here. I’m torn about how much of this I’m really planning on checking out. The first week alone for ANAD Marvel is a packed house. Many new issues for people try with multitudes of characters involved. You have Avengers #0, Contest of Champions #1, Invincible Iron Man #1, Doctor Strange #1, All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1, and Amazing Spider-Man #1 all hitting next week. All of these books were meant to hit after Secret Wars was over but you know things happen and now Secret Wars is hanging out in ANAD land. Add in some Star Wars books and a dash of What if? Infinity and you’re…

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3 Comics Every College Girl Should Read

The Campus Voice

I love comics, but having talked to some of my fellow comic movie loving college girls I noticed many weren’t sure what to read or where to start. Comics, as we’ve talked about before, can be really difficult to get into. There’s so much history! Luckily all is not lost and comics are slowly becoming more accessible to newer fans. You can buy comics in a traditional brick and mortar comic shop, digitally through publisher sites, digital stores like Comixology, or even through apps.

Here’s a list of three comic books that every college girl should give a try. They’re a mix of genres, and publishers, but all something I believe any college girl can learn to love and love to read.

Batgirl of Burnside written by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart with art by Babs Tarr

Before DC Comics rebooted their line comics Barbara Gordon had been paralyzed by the…

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Batman Annual 2015 review


BMANN-Cv4-ds-e76b6Earlier this year, Batman died while fighting the Joker in Batman: Endgame. The same formula that keeps the Owls alive resurrected Bruce, but left his mind completely blank. No memories, no fighting skills and no emotional connection to his older self. Since then he’s built a new life for himself, a normal, relatively happy life. So what happens when this new Bruce Wayne faces off against three of Batman’s classic villains? That’s exactly what happens in this year’s Batman Annual.

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Spider-Gwen Lyrics (AKA Gwen Stacy: The Insert-Cool-Sounding-Adjective-Here Spider-Woman)


Spider-Gwen, Spider-Gwen,
Does it better than Spider-Men.
Spins a web, to and fro,
Nothing like this white widow.
Look out!
Here comes the Spider-Gwen!

Is she strong? Listen bud,
She’s got radioactive blood.
It’s a gift and a curse,
Spinning out of Spider-Verse.
Hey, there!
There goes the Spider-Gwen!

In the chill of night,
At the scene of a crime,
Like a streak of light,
She arrives just in time!

Spider-Gwen, Spider-Gwen,
Friendly neighborhood Spider-Gwen. 
There is nothing you must fear,
To her, life is a great big bang up.
Wherever there’s a hang up,
You’ll find the Spider-Gwen!

Batman Day: Why is Batman so popular?


why is batman popular batman day 2015

September 26 is Batman Day, and to celebrate the occasion let’s take a look at why a character created 76 years ago is still so popular to this day.

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10 Favourite Marvel Superheroes REVISED + A Thank You To My Readers

…Before I start, I have to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who checks out my blog. Not only did I break my former record for most views in a single day on my blog Thursday (the old record was 441), but just yesterday, the record was broken yet again with a total of 624! I could not have, in my wildest dreams, imagined that being a thing. So, to all of my readers, supporters, friends, and family, thank you all very much, and please continue to read my blog. Also, be sure to leave your own thoughts and comments on my articles as well. Really helps to know that people care about my stuff. ^_^

Anyway, a couple of years ago on my birthday, I made a list of my favourite Marvel superheroes. Well, two years later, looking back on that list, I find myself having some highly different opinions. Maybe it’s because I’m a lot more into Marvel Comics than I was back then, the addition of new characters, or just the continuing detriment of certain older heroes *COUGH!*PETEANDTONY*COUGH!*, but for whatever reason, I can’t honestly say that my top ten heroes of the Marvel Universe are the same as they were before. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at my revised 10 Favourite Marvel Superheroes, starting with probably the most obvious…

#1 - Kamala Khan, AKA Ms. Marvel

#1 – Kamala Khan, AKA Ms. Marvel

Yeah, not exactly shocking anybody with this pick, huh? lol Can’t help it, guys. This is a character who, in less than two years, has become as important to me as Stephanie Brown, maybe even more-so in the grand scheme of things. She’s a geek, she’s a minority heroine, she’s the protector of New Jersey, and now, she’s a Goddamn Avenger. She’s earned the respect and recognition of Wolverine, the Amazing Spider-Man, Medusa, and most importantly, her predecessor and personal hero, Carol Danvers. There’s no limit to how high this character can go, and frankly, I’m just excited to be part of the ride. 🙂

#2 - Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America

#2 – Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America

As I’ve stated before, even as a proud Canadian, I love Captain America. Admittedly, though, this is mostly based on his appearances in the movies. In the comics, some of his exploits are a bit tainted due to repeatedly faking his own death and, more recently, becoming more concerned with bringing in Tony Stark for personally betraying him, instead of being focused on saving the world. Still, in both versions, there’s plenty about him to be inspired by. This is a guy who had damned near everything working against him in becoming a soldier, but fought tooth and nail to fight for his country and uphold ideals like peace, freedom, and justice anyway, to the point where his dedication made him the prime candidate to become Captain America. And despite beliefs that everything special about him came out of a bottle, really, that’s not true. He’s not just a lab experiment. Really, the better comparison is that he’s like a Power Ranger: The powers are just a tool for stopping evil. It’s the person using them that make them special.

#3 - James 'Logan' Howlett, AKA Wolverine

#3 – James ‘Logan’ Howlett, AKA Wolverine

ADAMANTIUM RAGE!!! 😛 What is it with badass berserker heroes with tragic back-stories repeatedly cropping up in everything I read, write, watch, and play? Logan, Raiden from Metal Gear, Guts from Berserk, and so on. But hey, they are successful as characters, and Logan is no exception. The biggest problem with Wolverine is how near-impossible it is for him to die. Kinda hurts the overall drama of some of his stories, since you know he’s damned near always gonna come out of situations without a scratch on him. Granted, as anyone who has watched the DEATH BATTLE between him and Raiden knows, don’t mean he’s ALWAYS gonna be okay. I just really hope that, when Old Man Logan takes his place in November, he doesn’t have the same near-invincibility.

#4 - Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel

#4 – Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel, she’s our hero, gonna take the villains down to ze-Wait, did I already do this joke? 😛 Anyway, I cannot believe I was not a Carol Danvers fan when I first wrote the 10 Favourite Marvel Superheroes. I can’t imagine a time anymore where I didn’t think she was awesome. And I have to give a huge thank you to Kelly Sue DeConnick for showing me just how amazing this character is. You will be greatly missed as the writer of her book going into the All-New, All-Different Marvel. Carol Corps 4 Life.

#5 - Jennifer Walters, AKA She-Hulk

#5 – Jennifer Walters, AKA She-Hulk

As I’ve stated before, take the Hulk, slim him down a bit, make him a brilliant lawyer, a bit more in control of himself, way more compassionate for people, and a gorgeous woman. The result is She-Hulk, and for those reasons I stated, I can’t help but prefer her to her more famous cousin. And frankly, I can’t think of anyone better suited to be the leader of the A-Force, and am so glad to see that the core six members of the team in Secret Wars will all be sticking together in the new Marvel Universe.

#6 - Prince Odinson, AKA Thor

#6 – Prince Odinson, AKA Thor

Whosoever lifts this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. And hoo boy, does this guy know how to use that power effectively. 😛 Mind you, he doesn’t have it anymore. And no disrespect to his successor, of course. I have no problem with Jane Foster, just the writing in how this whole scenario is playing itself out. Regardless, I find myself liking this Thor just the tiniest bit more. But hey, who knows what the future holds, right? I just hope they can find a way to appease fans of both Thors, ‘cuz so far, it ain’t happening.

#7 - Gwen Stacy, AKA Spider-Woman

#7 – Gwen Stacy, AKA Spider-Woman

I don’t know what exactly it is about this interpretation of the character, but I honestly think this version of Gwen Stacy is my favourite of all the now-officially-named Web Warriors. She’s badass, geeky, clever, and creative. She takes so much of what makes Peter Parker’s story work while still being fresh and new. What else can you say but…

Spider-Gwen, Spider-Gwen
Does it better than Spider-Men
Spins her threads to and fro
Nothin’ like this white widow
Look out! Here comes the Spider-Gwen

#8 - Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool

#8 – Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool

Yeah, ’bout time he got to me! I mean, I’m ME! Why waste time with the rest of these guys?! Fuck, I’ve been back from the grave more times than Wolverine, I’m the newest member of the Uncanny Avengers, and hey, I’ve got a movie coming out! No way I wouldn’t be on here after all that! After all, we all know ol’ Jygie likes to suck up to people in the spotlight!

Stop writing my articles, WADE!

Jeez, relax, JEFFERY! Getting kinda grumpy since you turned 30, huh? What, didn’t think you’d still be living with your parents this late into life?

Ugh, moving on!…

#9 - Anna Marie, AKA Rogue

#9 – Anna Marie, AKA Rogue

One of the best damned X-Men of all time, and a founding member of the Uncanny Avengers. Rogue is the classy southern belle who melts the hearts of men and women alike. However, piss her off, and not only is she more than capable of kicking your ass, but just touching you is enough to send you to the hospital. In other words, stay on her good side at all time.

You’re tellin’ me! I used to date her for a while, until she touched me, and left me aching for weeks. And not in the GOOD way, either…


#10 - Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow

#10 – Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow

I know for a fact that I’ve said this at least a hundred times, but I will continue to say it until it is no longer true: WHY THE HELL DOESN’T BLACK WIDOW HAVE HER OWN MOVIE?! Let’s look at her track record in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, shall we? She stole the show in Iron Man 2 (not that there was much of a show to steal, mind you), she stole Avengers, The Winter Soldier, and even Age of Ultron, where she was put in an out-of-nowhere relationship with Bruce and presented as someone who considers herself a monster, not for being an assassin but because she couldn’t have kids. Not to mention, her most recent solo series was basically a James Bond flick set in the Marvel Universe, and we all know how successful those movies have been. There is not a single character in the MCU that hasn’t had their own movie that deserves it more than Black Widow, PERIOD.

AAAANNND that’s it, everybody! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe, and I’ll see you all the next time Jyger wants to suck up to superheroes!

… … … … …I’mma kill him. -_-

Grayson #12 Review: The Bat Family reunited!

I just love Dick and Damian basically having a moment akin to Homer Simpson and his mom. Just “I thought you were dead!”, “I thought YOU were dead!” XD


grayson #12 review bat family reunited

Grayson #12 was the issue of dramatic reunions. The Bat family has been through a lot the past few months, but Grayson #12 reunited them and it feels good!

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‘Pokkén Tournament’ Invitational from the Pokémon World Championships

Man, can’t wait for this game to come out! 😀

career. hobby. passion. - @MarkMan23

POKKENI had the honor of hosting the ‘Pokkén Tournament’ Invitational from the Pokémon World Championships last month. Along with xD1x on commentary, we were able to showcase the title officially with some of the gaming community! The Pokémon Company International just uploaded some of the footage to YouTube for your viewing pleasure! Click below to check out all the action!

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What’s Wrong With The Nostalgia Critic’s Recent ‘Reviews’?

So, I just got finished watching the most recent episode of the Nostalgia Critic, wherein he talked about Mad Max: Fury Road. For the most part, I really liked it. Sure, I find myself using the term ‘review’ somewhat loosely, but I still liked it. But, when I scrolled down to the comments section, I couldn’t help but see comment after comment talking about how much it sucked strictly because of that fact: That there’s no footage of the movie present, that it’s just Doug Walker and his friends acting out scenes, and that this is now the third time he’s done this instead of his usual style of reviewing movies. It just feels like a lot of people are reacting negatively to these kinds of videos, and want to see more of the kind they originally liked. And, after thinking about it for a bit, I think I know how best to respond to this.

…I don’t have a joke or reason for this, I just really like this picture. XD

Now, first off, I should admit that me and the people who dislike these videos are probably getting off on the wrong foot right away. Why? Because at least a few complaints I’ve seen about these videos compare them in a negative fashion to another show that Doug did for a while called Demo Reel. The problem is…I really liked Demo Reel. Like, a lot. I was really sad when I found out he was discontinuing the series, and more than a little concerned when I found out he was bringing back the Nostalgia Critic. But, after finding out that Malcolm and Rachel were gonna be sticking around, and after seeing a few episodes of the new Nostalgia Critic, I mellowed out a bit… … …Unfortunately, for the same reasons I calmed down, a lot of people seemingly lost their fucking minds, ranting about how different the show was now with them acting out skits and showing Critic on adventures. Hell, I remember one episode where he made a joke about fan comments and complaints regarding the fact that the wall behind him was a different colour. I don’t know if that was actually a thing or not, but it honest to God would not shock me in the slightest if it was. And as for the skits…do you even remember the pre-To Boldly Flee episodes of the Nostalgia Critic? He did skits all the time back then, too. The only differences are that, aside from Rob and the occasional fellow reviewer or friend he could get into the video, he did them by himself, and they were usually a little bit shorter. So really, the only reason people complain about them is because they’re more apparent to your eye and your mind.

With that said, it occurs to me that likely a big part of the reason people don’t like the episodes talking about Jurassic World, Pixels, and now Fury Road is simply because they’re different from what they’re used to. However, here’s where I think you’re being unfair: After so many years of doing the same thing over and over, where videos can be taken down for the slightest thing, what did you think was going to happen? Of course things changed. They had to in order for the show to survive. Really, think back to the first episode of the show. Not the Transformers one, mind you, since that was more him fangasming over the movie, but his review of Cartoon All-Stars. Imagine him in that room, in those clothes, on that camera, in that level of quality, and the exact tones of voice used for EIGHT YEARS. You’d probably be sick to death of it within four years. And even if you weren’t, there’s one other reason it wouldn’t continue to survive.

Look, let’s just call a spade a spade: YouTube’s copyright claim system is inherently broken and easily exploited, which you can learn more about HERE. This has been a problem practically since day one of the show, and is the reason why it and so many other internet reviewers moved their content to Blip. Unfortunately, Blip shut down this year, and it was something a lot of people knew was coming, so they had to either move to less user-friendly sites or back to YouTube. And even if YouTube’s system wasn’t the problem, let’s again be honest with ourselves: Hollywood, for the most part, does not give a damn about free use. They and others have pulled videos featuring content they created, regardless of if the video was bashing their work or praising it. Hell, it’s a known fact that videos by internet reviewers, even negative ones, have increased the rate in which certain movies, TV shows, video games, comics, and so on have been sought after and viewed/played/read/etc., but that has not been enough to convince some people. That’s why Jurassic World, Pixels, and Fury Road didn’t have any footage from the movies present, and why I wouldn’t be surprised if more of the Nostalgia Critic’s reviews might end up taking on this style.

So, where does that leave us? Well, unfortunately for the people who dislike recent Nostalgia Critic videos, I don’t think you’re gonna like what’s to come. I’m sorry, and I sincerely I wish there was a way to make this easier for you all, because of course many of us tend to react to change negatively. We all want things to stay the same, and oftentimes become nostalgic for how things were before. People can make arguments for how or why that is, but it’s pretty clear that most, if not all, of us tend to behave in such a manner, and nowhere is that more evident than on the internet. At the same time, though, you have to understand why these changes happen, and try to at least give things a chance to turn you around on how it is. And, if you’re not convinced by the end, then maybe it’s time for you to move on and find something else to be passionate about.

...Because CHANGE. lol

…Because CHANGE. lol

And yes, before anyone brings it up, of course I’ve complained about stuff changing before. There’s proof of that right here on my blog in my various rants about comics. However, I like to think that I at least TRY to give change a chance, and a lot of the changes I’ve done angry rants about were in regards to things that conflicted with my views of right and wrong, like the Amazons in Wonder Woman being changed into rapists and child traders. One example of a change I was unwilling to give much of a chance to, though, is the whole Jim Gordon-becoming-Batman scenario. And yeah, you can make the argument that doing so was a bit childish of me, but I at least gave my reasons for why I didn’t like the idea and moved on, rather than sticking with it and ranting about it 24/7. Really, the only time I got angry about the arrangement was when I uncovered a massive plot hole in the story, and found out about some of the stuff Alfred was doing, which FYI has actually gotten WORSE if you can believe it, but I digress. The point is, while this blog is called Jyger’s Rant, I don’t necessarily want to only bitch and complain about stuff I don’t like ALL THE TIME, and I understand that some people actually DO like this storyline. I may not understand how or why, but I don’t necessarily wanna rain on their parade either. So, in the end, all I can ask is that the people going through the same thing with the Nostalgia Critic keep that in mind, that even if you don’t like the recent episodes, others do. Also, for those on the opposite side of the fence, remember that not everybody voicing their negative opinions are necessarily doing it to troll you or anyone else, and try not to get into heated debates and arguments over it. It may be a fine line on the internet between voicing opinions and arguing, but it’s nonetheless a line we can all choose to cross or not cross.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. Have a counterpoint to all of this, or anything else you’d like to add? Lemme know in the comments below…just, try not to get too aggressive with one another. Ja né!

Jyger’s Favourite 5 – 5 Games I’d Love To See Makers For

So, as anyone who follows me on Facebook and/or Twitter can gather, I have a copy of Super Mario Maker. And, suffice to say, I LOVE THIS FREAKING GAME! XD However, as I know for a fact people have already realized (because I’ve seen videos akin to this article that I am currently writing), there will most likely be copycats. In other words, expect there to be Maker games for other series. However, in this case, I say “By all means!”. The only thing I ask is that these aren’t just pushed outta people’s asses, and have the same level of care put into them as Super Mario Maker. Otherwise, what’s the point? But yeah, as long as this is likely going to be a thing that’ll happen, here’re some games I’d love to see makers for.

#1 - Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man

#1 – Sonic the Hedgehog Maker and Mega Man Maker

Probably the most “DUH” worthy titles, hence why I’m putting them together. Why “DUH”? Well, because they’re both platformers, like Mario, but have their own unique flavours to them as well, and have highly dedicated fan bases. But, I think the biggest reason is a simple fact that is all too clear to said fan bases: No one at Capcom or Sega either care to or know how to make a good Mega Man or Sonic game anymore. That’s a fact that’s become blatantly clear over the past few years. And if we can’t count on them, then this is the logical conclusion, unless they want more indy titles like Mighty no.9 and Freedom Planet to steal their spotlight. And hey, Mega Man actually DID do a level creator once for a PSP title that worked out decently, so they’ve already got a system for it that they can tweak.

#2 - Pokémon

#2 – Pokémon Maker

No, not making individual Pokémon, just making Pokémon games. That might be going a tad bit too far. But yeah, being able to make your own region with your own Trainers, Gyms, Elite 4, caves to explore, cities to visit, etc. I’d also include a means by which to have your maps and battles be shown in either the original Red and Blue graphics or in the new-school X & Y 3D graphics. Of course, like the standard Pokémon game only having a single save file, you should only be able to make the one Pokémon game.

#3 - The Legend of Zelda Maker

#3 – The Legend of Zelda Maker

Much like Mega Man and Sonic, this is another “DUH!” title, but for different reasons. Specifically, though, since Nintendo has now done a Mario Maker, Zelda would be the next logical choice. Obviously, this would have to be the top-down games, but I would advise making options to do them in the style of the original Legend of Zelda game, A Link To The Past, the Oracle games, Minish Cap, and A Link Between Worlds.

#4 - Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy

#4 – Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy

Yes, I know, RPG Maker. As someone who has used them, I can tell you that, as cool as they are, having an official game that’s more user friendly and available to more people in an official capacity would be great, and really, either one of these titles would be great. Maybe even both as a package deal. Hell, maybe even include sprites for other Square-Enix games like Chrono Trigger, Legend of Dragoon, or Kingdom Hearts for fans of those games, as a sort of Square-Enix RPG all-stars type deal.

#5 - Metroid

#5 – Metroid

Again, now that we’ve done a Maker game for Mario, let’s get the other major Nintendo titles Maker games. And really, who wouldn’t salivate at the idea of making their own Metroid stages and games? Especially because it would take us back to the days where Samus rarely said a word and mostly just kicked who knows how many billion types of ass? lol I’m thinking the styles present could be the original NES version, the Game Boy version, SNES version, and the GBA version.

Anyway, those are my picks for future Maker games. Got one that’s not on here? Leave it in the comments, and we’ll see what the future has in store for us all. Ja né!