Thoughts on RWBY Episode 1 + Who Would Be On My Cross-Branded All Women Superhero Team?

Click here to watch Episode 1 of RWBY

So, I’m kinda late at doing this, but I thought I’d give my thoughts on the first episode of RWBY. If you’ve followed along with my recaps on the trailers, you’d know that RWBY is all about a team of four young women who fight monsters, gangsters, and other such scum of the world. The first episode is a bit different from what I expected, depicting the first of the characters to be revealed, Ruby Rose, as a tiny bit of a stereotypical anime teenager who’s still in combat training when she gets caught up in a situation involving criminals and Huntresses, women who protect the world from monsters. I won’t give too much away, since I want people to go check it out themselves, but I will say that I like what I’ve seen thus far. You can find it at RoosterTeeth‘s website, or, if you’re still curious, check out the links below for info.

You’re a Huntress…Can I have your autograph??? 😀

Overall, seeing the trailers and this first episode makes me wonder how these four young women, all with varying fighting styles and weaponry, will fare as a team. And that got me thinking: What would it be like to take four women, all superheroes in their own ways, with different personalities, utilizing different combat styles, possibly even completely different universes, and put them on the same team? Heck, who would I even pick?

So, that’s what I have here: A list of four women from different tv series, comics, etc, but all considered superheroes, and all having various powers, abilities, skills, and personalities. This is my all-women superhero team!

Kara Zor-L, AKA Power Girl

So naturally, I’d start with a DC Superheroine, and of them all, Power Girl seemed the most logical choice. She has all the strength and powers of Superman, and is smart enough to run a multi-million dollar business. She’s not invincible, mind you, as she has the same vulnerabilities as Superman too (red sunlight, magic, and Kryptonite), but on a team with three other badass superheroines, she should have more than enough back-up to get her out of trouble should any of those weaknesses come up.

Jennifer Walters, AKA She-Hulk

Another comic book superheroine, and like Power Girl, She-Hulk has powers and abilities comparable to one of her universe’s mightiest heroes: The Incredible Hulk. Her strength is just slightly below that of Thor, making her easily the strongest woman in the Marvel Universe. However, unlike her cousin the Hulk, her transformation has little effect on her mental state, meaning she keeps her intelligence, and she’s also worked to make her human form of Jennifer Walters in shape as well, which makes She-Hulk all the more potent a combatant. She possesses a vulnerability to radiation that can mess with her ability to transform, but since she would have three team-mates to back her up, I don’t think that would be a problem. Heck, beyond that, the only way to put a dent in her is to have that kind of power yourself. I’d be surprised if even Power Girl could beat her in a fight……………Note to self: Suggest Power Girl vs She-Hulk in a DEATH BATTLE…Possibly a Bra and Panties Match. XD

Lauren, AKA the true Red Samurai Ranger

You can make the argument that there are plenty of women who have served as Power Rangers that are better characters than Lauren, and I’d tend to agree. However, I don’t really fault her for that, since she came in near the end of Power Rangers Super Samurai and wasn’t given much time to develop a character. What we DO know, however, is that she’s the true Red Samurai Ranger, and is a samurai at least on par with Jayden, the leader of the team while she was in hiding. Not only is she fast, strong, possesses near-limitless fire Symbol Power, and pilots the mighty Lion Folding Zord, her greatest feat is her taste buds, so mighty that even Mia’s cooking tastes good to her…which, I will admit, actually managed to make that terrible running gag funny again after not being funny for at least a year…so I guess I’ll add THAT to her feats, too. In fact, in those few episodes she was in, I found the team dynamic worked a lot better with her as leader. Why the hell did they switch back to Jayden? Oh yeah, ‘cuz that’s what happened in Shinkenger…Note to self, do a rant on Power Rangers Samurai. SOON.

Serena Tsukino, AKA Sailor Moon

Really, who better to be a member of a team of superheroines than the leader of the Sailor Scouts and Princess of the Moon Kingdom, Sailor Moon. While occasionally (okay, a bit more than occasionally), Sailor Moon can succumb to clumsiness and air-headedness, Serena (Usagi in the original Japanese version) possesses incredible powers. She can purify people of evil, she can create perfect disguises for herself with a magic pen, even her tiara can become a miniature Destructo Disk (Man, EVERYBODY’S ripping off poor Krillin these days). Again, she’s not without her faults, but with her friends backing her up, there is nothing she can’t do.

Anyway, that’s it for tonight. Comment below, and tomorrow I will be sure to talk about…

What I Bought Today

…Ja né!

About Jyger85

Huge fan of wrestling, Kamen Rider, Power Rangers/Super Sentai, and video games. But I WILL talk smack when one of them tick me off. lol

Posted on July 24, 2013, in Comic Books, Miscellaneous and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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