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Suicide Squad Trailer

Well, it’s that time again. Time to see the newest trailer for a superhero…well, superVILLAIN, in this case, movie. If you don’t know much about the Suicide Squad, here’s the basic concept: They’re a team of criminals (and maybe a couple of volunteers like Katana) who are given the chance to strike some time off their sentences in prison by doing work for the government. Some of these criminals might be familiar to Bat fans, like Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and Killer Croc. Also, as far as I can tell, Joker is the main antagonist. For now, though, let’s just take a look at the trailer.

… … … … …So, I suppose the first thing I should ask is… … …did anyone else get a bit of a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe from this trailer? Like they’re going for the same type of “team of misfits teaming up to a music montage” thing, only with the twist of them being villains? Seriously, I kinda wanna see a mashup of these trailers. Otherwise, Will Smith looks like he’s gonna be good, the tone fits the overall premise, and…well, Harley is more-or-less unrecognizable beyond the pigtails and New 52-adapted backstory, but it’s not a BAD take (as far as I can tell), just a little different.

Anyway, lemme know what your thoughts on the trailer were, and we’ll see how the movie does when it comes out August 5th. Ja né!