UPDATED WITH LEGEND TRANSCRIPT! New Mega Evolution: RAYQUAZA?! It’s Evaluating Time!

Well, it seems I was right on the money about the next Legendary Pokémon to receive a new form. Ladies and gentlemen, Mega Rayquaza!

So, let’s take a closer look, shall we?

It’s Evaluating Time!!!

According to Serebii.net, and I quote, “It has a new ability called Delta Stream which creates a new weather effect that removes weather and makes moves of a type that Flying-type Pokémon are usually weak to will only deal normal damage to any Flying-type Pokémon in the battle. It lasts as long as Rayquaza is in battle. Trailer also shows a move called Dragon Ascent which is said to be the most powerful Flying-type move.” A little strange that it’s a Flying-type move called Dragon Ascent, but whatever. Also, I see that, once again, the weather advantage is Rayquaza’s, even in the face of the Primal Pokémon.

But yeah, kinda figured this was on the horizon. They’d been hinting at Rayquaza playing a big role in this game, from the fact of it being left out of getting a Primal form (and apparently, there IS an explanation for that in the game) to suggestions that it held the answer to Mega Evolution. Also, if you’ll allow me to go into conspiracy mode for a sec, look at the titles for these games: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. ORAS. Change the placement of one letter and you get SORA, as in the Japanese word for sky. Is this the extent of this, or are they suggesting it’ll go one step further with a remake of Emerald? Or perhaps elements of Emerald’s story are simply transplanted into the Ruby and Sapphire remakes?

Either way, lemme know what you think about this development in the comments below, and we’ll see if any new info is released. Ja né!

UPDATE: Okay, so literally right after I posted this and showed it to a few of my friends, more info came rolling out. lol Serebii.net has released part of a legend relating to the tale of Mega Rayquaza…

It was a primal age, early in the world’s history… The natural world was overflowing with energy. That energy granted Groudon and Kyogre an overwhelming power. Seeking ever more of that energy for themselves, the two clashed again and again, and their battles cast the people and Pokémon of Hoenn into great danger. Brimming with the overwhelming power granted by the energy of nature, this transformation was named by later people “Primal Reversion.” And the people called their tormentors Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre.

One Pokémon looked down upon this battle from the sky above. The Pokémon that dances in the heavens: Rayquaza. Rayquaza is venerated by the people of Hoenn as their protector and savior. When Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre had battled for 20 dawns and 20 nights, the world began to lose its natural balance and tilt toward destruction. The people, unable to endure any more, cried out to their mighty savior Rayquaza before a great stone that shone with rainbow brilliance. And a change came upon Rayquaza, weaving in the sky above Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. Suffused in brilliant light, its body began to transform visibly. And then…

…Although, personally, I prefer THIS version of events: One Pokémon looked down upon this battle from the sky above and declared “Bitch, please”. XD So, just speculating on this a bit, it DOES occur to me that, last I checked, we never did find out what was kept on that third platform atop Mt. Pyre, where the Red and Blue Orbs were kept. If I had to make an early assumption here, and I could be way off, I think that Rayquaza’s Mega Stone was there. I mean, it makes sense, since there would need to be a way to stop Groudon and Kyogre handy if they ever went out of control again. And, looking at the icon for it in the trailer, it could very well have been the great stone the people of Hoenn prayed to Rayquaza through, thus granting Rayquaza the power to Mega Evolve and put an end to the fight. I’m thinking that’s also why Rayquaza Mega Evolved instead of going Primal like Groudon and Kyogre: They changed out of a desire for more power. Rayquaza changed in order to protect people.

About Jyger85

Huge fan of wrestling, Kamen Rider, Power Rangers/Super Sentai, and video games. But I WILL talk smack when one of them tick me off. lol

Posted on October 2, 2014, in Pokémon and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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